The plan was born out of the Taylor Review in 2017 which was one of the biggest shake ups ever known in terms of new recommendations for modern employment practices within the UK.
It focuses on:
Nothing to do with the fashion world, this related to The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR), which came into force in October 2011 and gave agency workers new rights including the right to equal pay after a qualifying 12-week period. In Swedish Derogation however, a worker could waive their right to equal pay providing the criteria outlined in regulations 10 and 11 were satisfied e.g. a contract of employment that offered pay between assignments.
The introduction of Agency Workers (Amendment) Regulations 2019 repeals regulations 10 and 11 - meant that it will no longer be possible to waive the right to equal pay in return for pay between assignments. This means all agency workers that have been on assignment with the same end hirer for 12 weeks will have a right to the same pay and conditions as a permanent ‘comparator’ that is engaged at the same end hirer.
13A in The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses (Amendment) Regulations 2019 means that agencies will have to give ‘work-seekers’ a KID document as part of the registration process.
This is something that Orbital have already done for a while, by providing contractors with transparent take home pay illustrations in our on-boarding process. See our guide to Key Information Documents for more details.
The Employment Rights (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2019 means that the government will extend the right to a written statement of particulars for all workers, not just employees and this will be a day one rights, with new requirements for mandatory contents.
Again, at Orbital we have already had this as part of our on-boarding process for some time, providing all workers with particulars of earnings, deductions and general information besides contractual terms and conditions.
Contact us if you want to know how we are fulfilling our obligation to the Good Work Plan:
The plan was born out of the Taylor Review in 2017 which was one of the biggest shake ups ever known in terms of new recommendations for modern employment practices within the UK.
It focuses on:
Nothing to do with the fashion world, this related to The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR), which came into force in October 2011 and gave agency workers new rights including the right to equal pay after a qualifying 12-week period. In Swedish Derogation however, a worker could waive their right to equal pay providing the criteria outlined in regulations 10 and 11 were satisfied e.g. a contract of employment that offered pay between assignments.
The introduction of Agency Workers (Amendment) Regulations 2019 repeals regulations 10 and 11 - meant that it will no longer be possible to waive the right to equal pay in return for pay between assignments. This means all agency workers that have been on assignment with the same end hirer for 12 weeks will have a right to the same pay and conditions as a permanent ‘comparator’ that is engaged at the same end hirer.
13A in The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses (Amendment) Regulations 2019 means that agencies will have to give ‘work-seekers’ a KID document as part of the registration process.
This is something that Orbital have already done for a while, by providing contractors with transparent take home pay illustrations in our on-boarding process. See our guide to Key Information Documents for more details.
The Employment Rights (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2019 means that the government will extend the right to a written statement of particulars for all workers, not just employees and this will be a day one rights, with new requirements for mandatory contents.
Again, at Orbital we have already had this as part of our on-boarding process for some time, providing all workers with particulars of earnings, deductions and general information besides contractual terms and conditions.
Contact us if you want to know how we are fulfilling our obligation to the Good Work Plan: